Welcome to KUAYUEREN. This is a personal website of John Franklin, and an unofficial website of OpenTTD China Set and OpenTTD Chinese Community.

The meanings of KUAYUEREN are hard to explain in English. However, "KUAYUE" means "leap", and "REN" means "person". Sometimes this is referred to Liu Zhijun, who was the leader of the Railway Department of the People's Republic of China from 2003 to 2011, with an aim of "Leap-Forward Development" of the railway system. "Father of CRH" being called, he was expelled in February 2011 and sentenced lifelong from 2015 due to corruption.

欢迎来到跨越人。这是 John Franklin 的个人网站,同时也是 OpenTTD 中国包和 OpenTTD 中文社区的非官方网站。

This website uses very rugged and outdated UIs, just because I like these and I hate WordPress, websites powered by which can be seasoned very splendid but awful in source-code-wise.

该网站使用非常简陋且过时的界面,因为我喜欢这种风格,且排斥使用 WordPress —— WordPress 驱动的网站可以非常好看,但是在源代码层面非常糟糕。

You can find the answers to your questions about OpenTTD China Set in "OpenTTD China Set Guide" section; my railway journal in "Railway" section; and some useful links (for railway enthusiasts) in "Links" section. There is also an IRC chatbox, all bridged to Discord channels.

若对 OpenTTD 中国包有不解,请点击“OpenTTD 中国包指南”;若想查看站长的运转记录,请点击“铁路纪实”;若觉得该站看不过瘾,请点击专为铁路爱好者量身定制的“链接集”。 另外,还有一个 IRC 聊天室,均与 Discord 频道相连接。
